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Les pertes auditives cachées : un changement de paradigme des soins auditifs
Conférencier : Stéphane F. Maison, PhD, AuD, CCC-A
Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Hidden Hearing Loss: A Paradigm Shift in Hearing Care
This presentation will review the scientific background that led to the discovery of cochlear synaptopathy. We will discuss how, at this stage of our research, we can assess cochlear synaptopathy in humans, how we may be able to reverse it and how such discovery currently impacts the field of otology and audiology.
Les pertes auditives cachées: un changement de paradigme des soins auditifs
Cette présentation passera en revue le contexte scientifique qui a conduit à la découverte de la synaptopathie cochléaire. Nous discuterons de la manière dont, à ce stade de nos recherches, nous pouvons évaluer la synaptopathie cochléaire chez l’humain, comment nous pouvons peut-être l’inverser et comment une telle découverte a un impact majeur dans le domaine de l’otologie et de l’audiologie.
Biographie du Docteur Maison
Dr. Maison is a Principal Investigator in the Eaton-Peabody Laboratories at Mass. Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School as well as a clinical audiologist. As an auditory physiologist, Dr. Maison studies the peripheral auditory system and has published more than 45 peer-reviewed papers in the field.
Having spent nearly 20 years honing his skills in the study of sensorineural hearing loss in animal models, Dr. Maison wants to bring the important research questions back to human subjects in a clinical context. His research interests focus on 1) identifying hidden hearing loss (cochlear synaptopathy) in patients with « normal » audiograms, 2) identifying if tinnitus results from cochlear synaptopathy, and 3) therapies to restore speech intelligibility in adverse environments.
He received his PhD in neurosciences from the University Claude Bernard in Lyon, France. He then completed his postdoctoral fellowship in auditory physiology at Harvard Medical School. He also received his Doctor of Audiology degree from Northeastern University.